A modifier component operates on an unformatted, unstructured stream of bytes as it passes through vhs
. Modifier
components are well suited to implementing compression/decompression algorithms, as an example. Modifiers may exist in
either the input or output chains of the vhs
data flow. Input modifiers and output modifiers must be implemented
separately. Information on the input and output modifiers available in the current release of vhs
is available here:
input modifiers and output modifiers
Modifiers are implemented in a slightly different fashion when compared to other vhs
components. They do not have an
function, and are instead implemented as wrappers around an InputReader
or OutputWriter
Input modifiers must conform to the InputModifier
interface defined in
, which is shown below:
// InputModifier wraps an InputReader.
type InputModifier interface {
Wrap(InputReader) (InputReader, error)
Output modifiers must conform to the OutputModifier
interface defined in
, which is shown below:
// OutputModifier wraps an OtputWriter.
type OutputModifier interface {
Wrap(OutputWriter) (OutputWriter, error)
Internally, the implementation of a modifier usually entails the creation of a new type that conforms to the requisite
interface (InputReader
or OutputWriter
). This the compression or encoding performed by the modifier will be
implemented in the methods of this new type, and the Wrap
function required by the modifier interfaces seen above
will return this new type.
Other considerations when developing a modifier include:
. This constructor may be trivial.newRootCmd
. The values of these flags should be
stored in FlowConfig
in the session
package at
. These values will then be
available within your package as part of the core.Context
channel.The gzip
input and output modifiers provided by vhs
are useful
examples of the implementation of modifiers. They are implemented as wrappers around the gzip.Reader
packages from the Go standard library package compress/gzip
. Many useful modifiers can be implemented
in a similar fashion by wrapping other libraries. The implementation of the gzip
modifiers is in