
A sink component is the termination of an output chain in the vhs data flow. Each output chain must end with a sink. A sink provides a way for data to leave vhs, such as by writing to the standard output, a local file, or a network location, among others. Information on the sinks available in the current release of vhs can be found here: sinks.

Developing a Sink

Sinks are the simplest components in vhs. Sinks must conform to the the interface defined in core/sink.go as shown below:

// Sink is a writable location for output.
type Sink io.WriteCloser


Since a sink is simply an io.WriteCloser, any existing types that conform to this interface can be used a sink. This means that a simple sink can be implemented in only a handful of lines of code, as with the stdout sink, which is implemented in cmd/vhs/main.go in the default parser definition. Since it is so short, it is recreated here:

p.LoadSink("stdout", func(_ session.Context) (flow.Sink, error) {
    return os.Stdout, nil

Since os.Stdout conforms to io.WriteCloser, the stdout sink can be implemented as a one-line anonymous function.

The gcs sink presents a more complex, real-world example of writing to cloud storage. It is implemented in gcs/gcs.go.