
A source component is the origin of a data flow in vhs. Source components create the initial data stream that is processed and modified by the other components in the data flow. A source might read from a local file, a cloud storage location, or capture network data. Information on the sources available in the current release of vhs is available on the reference page here: sources.

Developing a Source

There are several architectural requirements that must be considered when developing a source. Most importantly, sources must conform to the the interface defined in flow/source.go and shown below:

// Source is a data source that can be consumed
// by an input pipe.
type Source interface {
    Streams() <-chan InputReader

The Init function should handle the initialization and concurrent operation of the source. It will be run in its own goroutine by the vhs flow infrastructure. vhs does not use buffered channels, and all components are expected to run concurrently, so care should be taken to avoid internal deadlocks or contention that could cause blocks or bottlenecks. The Init function should clean up and exit upon receiving a signal on core.Context.Done().

Other important considerations include:

  • A source must provide a constructor. By convention this constructor should accept an argument of type session.Context. This constructor may be trivial.
  • Sources may declare command line flags in newRootCmd() in cmd/vhs/main.go. The values of these flags should be stored in FlowConfig in the session package at core/config.go. These values will then be available within your package as part of the core.Context.


The file source is a good example implementation of a source. This source reads data from a file and emits it as a stream of bytes. It is implemented in the file package at file/file.go